The Official Seal of Harrison County was adopted by the County Commission on February 23, 1976, and symbolizes the natural beauty and resources of Harrison County. Described briefly, the Seal bears the legend "Harrison County Seal - West Virginia", along with the motto "Freedom and Independence,"and the date 1784, the year Harrison County was created. It pictures a deer standing among the hills of Harrison County with the sun rising behind.
The rising sun symbolizes Harrison County has begun a time of growth for labor, industry, agriculture, and business. The hills are representative of the geography and beauty of the County, and also one of the most fundamental rights, land ownership. Freedom and Independence stands for the strong feeling for freedom our County founders had, and Independence stands for the fact that Harrison County was one of the first counties of Virginia which initiated the creation of the State of West Virginia. The leaf border symbolizes agriculture, the means our forefathers first used to support themselves.
The County Seal was designed and drawn by Conrad A. Chayes of Clarksburg at the request of the Harrison County Commission.
The framed seal hangs in the Conference Room of the Harrison County Commission with the following notations affixed to the back of the frame.
- This is the original drawing of the County Seal
- There is no need to take the original from frame
Prints of the original artwork are availible. Martin Printing has photographic negatives to make any size print needed. The County also has photographic pro-copies made by Martin Printing, of the Seal which are just as good as the original for making reproductions. These can be sent away and used in place of the original.
Do not store this original near strong light or heat.